What is one of the first things we do in the morning and one of the last things we do at night? Brush our teeth. Brushing our teeth is an essential part of our daily hygiene routines. This practice helps to protect against bad breath, cavities, gum disease and stained teeth, but what about the choices we make as to what to put on our brush. With so many choices available do we ever even consider what some of the ingredients may be. Without a doubt, brushing our teeth frequently is something we should all be doing. But when you look closely at some of the common ingredients found in conventional toothpaste, it’ll make you think twice about what you are putting in your mouth.
From artificial sweeteners to toxic chemicals, many of these ingredients are anything but friendly to our health and well-being. As always, knowledge is power. When we know more about the nasty toxins potentially lurking in our toothpaste, we can take steps to eliminate unsafe chemicals from our daily routines. Below we will explain just a few of the most common toxic toothpaste ingredients and why you should avoid them. Fortunately ‘NorganicZ’ have developed the solution with their all natural, fluoride free ‘Tooth Powders.’ They include some of the most comprehensive exploration of ingredients followed up by some of the best research and development available. NorganicZ Tooth Powders are an effective, all natural, safe alternative. They are specially formulated so that each ingredient serves a very specific purpose, enhancing and protecting different areas of your mouth, teeth and gums.
Fluoride is an ingredient used by most conventional toothpaste brands. But why? In the early 1900s, dentists noticed that people who lived in areas where the water was naturally higher in fluoride had fewer cavities. Soon, a link between fluoride and dental hygiene was established, and it became standard for toothpaste to include fluoride.
Fewer cavities sound like a good thing, but unfortunately, the story doesn’t end there. Fluoride is now a confirmed neurotoxin linked to thyroid issues in adults and children alike. One study in Canada found that adults with higher fluoride levels in their urine were more at risk of having an underactive thyroid. Similarly, another study looking at Chinese school children noted that even low to moderate fluoride exposure affected their thyroid function and had a detrimental effect on their IQ scores. If the risks to our health aren’t enough, fluoride can harm our oral health as much as it may help it. Fluoride can lead to brown spots and discoloration; a condition known as fluorosis. Younger children are especially at risk because they don’t always remember to spit their toothpaste out and instead swallow it. (That’s why ‘NorganicZ Tooth Powders’ are completely safe, even if swallowed!)
*Propylene Glycol*
Propylene glycol is a common ingredient in paint and antifreeze and was dubbed the ‘2018 Allergen of the Year’ by the American Contact Dermatitis Society. So, no one could blame you for wondering what it is doing in your toothpaste in the first place. Propylene glycol is used as a thickening, emulsifying, and stabilizing agent. In the case of toothpaste, propylene glycol keeps it smooth and prevents it from drying out. But for all the texture benefits, large amounts of propylene glycol can be toxic and may lead to serious health complications, including kidney damage and sepsis-like symptoms. Everybody should be made aware of this and should think twice before putting this toxic ingredient into our mouth.
Parabens are common preservative found in many personal care products, including toothpaste. However, mere benefits to a longer shelf life isn’t worth the risks associated with this group of toxins. Many of which have been attracting attention for years because of their effect on our hormones.
According to the Environmental Working Group, parabens are endocrine disruptors that can mimic estrogen in our bodies. They’ve been linked to everything from lowered fertility to an increased risk of breast cancer.
4. Artificial Sweeteners
Most manufacturers add artificial sweeteners to their formulas – toothpaste included – to make them more palatable. When it comes to toothpaste, saccharin and aspartame are two of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners. Saccharin is one of the most popular artificial sweeteners and was generally considered safe, especially when compared with actual sugar. However, a 2019 study into the long-term effects of this sweetener on rats found that it was associated with an increased risk of diabetes, obesity, and impaired kidney and liver function. Human studies on the safety of aspartame are limited. But a review of the evidence published in 2017 called for greater scrutiny of this artificial sweetener. When they combined the limited evidence from human research with the results of animal studies, the researchers found that aspartame may increase oxidative stress and damage human cell membranes, promoting inflammation.
*Artificial Colourings and Dyes*
You probably don’t need us to tell you that the bright, fun colors and funky stripes in conventional toothpaste are not natural. Most conventional toothpastes contain artificial colours to give them those eye-catching patterns. Research published by the American Society for Experimental Neuro-Therapeutics noted a body of evidence that links artificial food colourings to hyperactivity and behavioral issues in children, often causing long term developmental issues. The Center for Science in the Public Interest has pulled together many scientific studies and reports revealing potential links to allergies and cancer. If these health issues alone weren’t enough to put you off these dyes, most artificial food colorings are derived from petrochemicals, which make them environmentally damaging as well as threatening to your health.
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